Glossary Category:


the expression by a subject of thought(s) in a form that is perceivable for other subjects. Briefly: information is from given thought.

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information link

a link in a construction model between an actor role and a transaction kind, indicating that the actor role has access to the corresponding transaction…

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there are three sorts of production acts/facts, and consequently of actors/actor roles, and transactions/transaction kinds: original, informational, and documental. Informational services comprise remembering, recalling, and…

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informational service

there are two kinds of services that an I-organisation offers to its corresponding O-organisation: remembering facts and sharing facts.

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er zijn drie soorten productie mv{handeling}{en}/mv{feit}{en}, en daarom ook mv{actor}{en}/mv{actor rol}{len} en mv{transactie}{s}/mv{transactie type}{n}: {origineel}, informationeel en {documenteel}. Informationele handelingen omvatten onthouden, herinneren en berekenen.

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informationele dienst

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de gezamenlijke voorwaarden om een {cognitieve overeenkomst} te bereiken bij het uitvoeren van een x{coördinatie handeling}.

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initiator /role/

a role of an actor /role/ in a transaction /kind/. An actor /role/ who is authorised to be the initiator /role/ of a transaction /kind/,…

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initiator link

a link in a construction model between an actor role and a transaction kind, indicating that the actor role is an initiator role of the…

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een rol van een mv{actor}{ (rol)} in een mv{transactie}{ (type)}. Een actor (rol) die {bevoegd} is om de initiator (rol) van een transactie (type) te…

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