scope of Interest
the delineation of the (part of the) organisation that one has chosen to focus on.
self-activating actor (role)
an actor (role) is called self-activating if it is initiator (role) and executor (role) of the same transaction (kind).
the syntactic form in which thoughts, especially facts, are expressed.
the functional appearance of a product to its consumers.
social correspondence
the degree of mutual understanding of a coordination act at the performa level of communication. Social correspondence is reached if the addressee thinks he/she has…
social devotion
one of the three generic goals of enterprise engineering. Enterprises should be designed in such a way that its employees get all the opportunities and…
sociale overeenstemming
de mate van algemeen begrip van een x{coördinatie handeling} op het {performa niveau} van {communicatie}. Een sociale overeenkomst wordt bereikt als de {geadresseerde} denkt dat hij/zij…
sociale toewijding
één van de drie algemene doelen van {enterprise engineering}.